Roberta Road Middle School
CESI provided due diligence services for Cabarrus County School’s latest middle school facility. Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment services, wetland delineation services, and preliminary geotechnical engineering evaluation services were provided prior to land acquisition. Once the site was acquired, CESI provided extensive geotechnical services to determine the presence of unsuitable FAT CLAY (CH) soils and hard rock.
The information acquired during our geotechnical evaluation allowed the design team to optimize site development and facilitate horizontal and vertical placement of the main building structure. Site development challenges, such as the presence of unstable soils, groundwater, and hard rock, were promptly addressed. CESI also provided these construction phase testing and special inspection services:
- Subgrade evaluation (proof roll) of the soils subgrade prior to fill placement.
- Undercut recommendations, observations, and verification.
- Field and nuclear density testing of compacted structural fill material.
- Field and nuclear density testing of the storm, sanitary, water, and electrical line trench backfill.
- Modular retaining wall construction observations and testing.
- Dynamic cone penetrometer (bearing) testing within excavated footings.
- Reinforcing steel inspections prior to concrete placement.
- Sampling and testing of fresh concrete for footings, cast-in-place walls, slabs on grade and elevated slabs.
- Laboratory testing of concrete (cylinders) for footings, cast-in-place walls, slabs on grade and elevated slabs.
- Reinforcing steel inspections prior to structural CMU wall grout placement.
- Sampling and testing of fresh grout for structural CMU walls and CMU retaining walls.
CESI also performed a survey along Roberta Road to assist in the acquisition of necessary right of way to allow for turning lanes.
From Vision to Completion – Build with CESI
Partner with CESI to bring your vision to life. Our proven expertise in civil engineering, geotechnical, surveying, construction materials testing, and environmental engineering ensures every project is completed with precision, efficiency, and quality. From initial assessments to final inspections, we deliver results you can trust. Ready to start your next project?